Kids Crypto Camp Begins Blockchain Technology At An Early Age

Kids are sponges. Give them a subject and an easy way to learn it, and they’ll retain virtually all of the information. Teaching topics from an early age is a great way to build long-term support for the topic and to develop a community that is better prepared to embrace the subject. It makes sense, then, that blockchain technology be taught from an early age, and the Kids Crypto Camp in California looks to do just that.

The camp offers younger generations an opportunity to learn about blockchains, cryptocurrency, mining rigs and more. It teaches terms like decentralized application, nodes and Bitcoin, and even teaches how to build mining equipment.

The creator of the camp, Najah Roberts, understands what’s at stake and what needs to happen to build a better blockchain future. He explains, “If our children do not understand, what is happening right now and what is to come, they will not be able to take a seat at the global table,” adding, “[The kids] will be monetizing, mining cryptocurrency, they’re going to also be trading cryptocurrency. We’re teaching them to look at this world with a whole different set of eyes.”

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