Unpredictable mistakes sabotage your hotel revenue

In the competitive world, everything is marketing and those marketing is really a big one. Using this everyone receives revenue and want to increase overall revenue but it is not an easy task. To overcome this problem, hoteliers are implementing hotel management system is all about how efficiently use pricing strategy. Here are the top mistakes must avoid

Avoiding online reputation and guest service

Guest services are prominent here you can't avoid when you try to improve your revenue. And also increase their convenient to get loyal customers with repeat business. Here, customers reviews and rating improve your online reputation. Boost your position via online reputation, it helps to increase your room price.

Not adopting a dynamic price 

A major mistake is static room rates on weekends. Usually, in weekends hoteliers have a large booking. Based on the occupancy level fix the dynamic price to improve your position and revenue. Especially, this dynamic system is helpful in off session.Customers will prefer the hotel who gives more discount in on the session as well the off session.

Week inventory distribution plan

Having unstructured and week inventory plan across OTAs, booking website, etc. Underbooking, overbooking and double booking issues comes under incompetent inventory management. This is the way to disappoint the guest, decrease the business revenue.Engage with OTAs to get a direct booking from your hotel website.

Cloud-based PMS adoption

In a competitive world, hoteliers need to use hotel channel manager and PMS. while using this you can protect yourself from
Unstructured inventory distribution plan
Improve your online reputation
Manage dynamic pricing

In a matter of that, Hotel booking system and PMS (property management system) will quietly increase your revenue and use to attract the customers.


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